A Promise | Year of Doing

Every Day in February I will be Creating.

I finally got around to editing this old sermon of mine from 2012. It is amazing to me that I have been preaching since 2005. It was an answer to the prayers of several people to see me serving God in that capacity. My first Pastor, Rev. Timoty told my parents and grandparents that I would preach one day. I even seemed to be on that trajectory growing up.

My extended family kept us kids in church. Since they were leading many of the youth activities we were expected to be there. From Drama Club, Acolytes to Youth Choir we were there almost all year. We also had Youth Sunday several times a year where we were expected to lead the service. Don't forget Vacation Bible School which took a week out of our summer every year.

As kids we did as we were told. Once we hit the teen years however, we used our new found independance to being missing some of those activities. I know that I started to taper my involvement after getting my 1st car. I still participated when asked, but I no longer jumped to volunteer. I was free!

Interetingly enough, years later I found myself isolated and alone. Even though I had friends, a dream job and was living where I wanted to be I felt trapped. It was there that God began to pop up where I least expected it. I got a new neighbor in the apartments where I was living at the time. She was a Christian and was looking for community. While talking I mentioned that I grew up in the church. She wanted to know if I could help her find a new church as she had just moved to the area. During that time helping her I made new friends but the job fell through and I had to leave my apartment, then the city and state.

I had proposed to my then girlfriend and we moved to be in the same state for the first time in our 2 year relationship. I began attending her church, gained a mentor, Pastor, lifetime friends, and most importantly my 1st Love.

'... that you have abandoned the love you had at first. ' - Revelation 2:4

From there, intensive training with our Pastor, accountability from my mentor, and fellowship with great friends I began ministry work. My focus has been helping men to understand their gifts, bringing them to bear for their both their family and community. Love through Service