You Matter
"I have always felt that the works of the famous British New Testament scholar, F. F. Bruce, are unnecessarily dry. In reading his memoirs, In Retrospect, I discovered one of the reasons why. He said, “I do not care to speak much—especially in public—about the things that mean most to me.” 1 When you eliminate what means most to you from your writing and speaking, they will be dry. For myself, I would say just the opposite: “I do not care to speak much—especially in public—about the things that don’t mean most to me.”" from "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry, Updated and Expanded Edition" by John Piper
While this book is written to pastors, I think it is useful for everyone. I am making sure that the things I talk about are the things that mean the most. The interactions have to matter. It is why I don't engage in the political discourse that permeates my timeline. It is why every day i tell you that YOU MATTER.
The most important thing to me is making sure that everyone that I come across, everyone who comes to my timeline, knows that they have an infinite value. That YOU MATTER.
As you prepare for the Big Game today make sure that in your festivities you remind those around you that they matter.
"It will take courage but it will be the most important conversation you can have"
Love you friends,
Carlton and Deidre