God's Man | A Servant Leader

A Godly Man is a Servant Leader   Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me, because I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist him. The man who was dying blessed me; I made the widow's heart sing. I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban. I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger. I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth. – Job 29:11-17   Jesus gave us his model for leadership when he spent time washing His disciple’s feet.  He understood that the best way to be a lead people is through serving them.    Jesus also served by taking our place at the cross.  He knew that we would not be able to walk a sinless life so he did it for us.  He went to the cross willingly for all of us so that we could know true fellowship with God.   Reflections: When has someone stood in the gap for you?             What opportunities do you have to serve others?             Action Plan: Identify ways to serve others and start today.