I wondered while you were asleep.Why do we cry? Why do we weep?Or Lord above has seen it allAnd if we His children answer »
If you are like me, and hopefully you aren't, you might not be aware that we are 2 weeks away from Christmas. My mother and I »
I wondered while you were asleep.Why do we cry? Why do we weep?Or Lord above has seen it allAnd if we His children answer »
“Thank You for that lesson Job. You’ve given us a lot of food for thought. One more thing before we finish up, “What should we »
"I got caught up in a Poor Me attitude. I asked God some very heated questions. It really boiled down to this though. I wanted to »
“And the last loss?“ Loss of Health “I was a pretty healthy guy. I ate what I was supposed to and there I was sick and »
(continued from our interview with Job) “What was the next loss you suffered?” Loss of Love “This loss I suffered is two distinctly different ways. The »