5 Minute Drill | Practice...
Forgot to set my timer so I lost 2 sentences. There is something theraputic about doing these drills. Especially in room full of people. Practice makes perfect is the old saying. This is the perfect place for this drill because I am at my dayghter's gymnastics class. She loves to practice. I hope that she keeps this up. Big sister has long since given up on doing drills. She wants everything to just happen for her. She doesn't think that she should need to work on things anymore.
I know that feeling well. I fell victim to that mindset when I was her age. I think that this comes when you are lacking challenge. I remember thinking that if it was to hard for me to just figure it out I didnt need to know it. It frustrated my mother as much as it frustrate me now.
I have said many times that youth is wasted on the young. They have so much promise and so much potential. New things come easier to them but because of that they tend to flitter from one thing to another. That is why practice is so important. Practice makes you focus and that is what is so needed.
As I watch one last backbend I am glad to see focus in action.